Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Traverus Travel is a great opportunity! I was a member of YTB Travel "Your Travel Biz" for a year and like many other people that were interested in earning extra money found the program difficult for non-networker to duplicate. More people have joined Traverus Travel for $119.00 Vs. paying YTB Travel $500.00 to become a travel agent.
However, since joining Traverus Travel I would have to say it has been wonderful
I have been left alone to find my way, my up line Traverus Travel team leader has been with me every step of the way unlike my up line at YTB Travel whom never had the time of day for me.So, yes I know that I have made the right choice to leave YTB Travel and join Traverus Travel and can you believe that this is only the beginning.

For more information about Traverus Travel call:

Daryl D. Alex
YTB Travel WHO?
Traverus Travel Member Trips

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